Military TRansition Support
of zero8hundred program participants expressed Greater confidence after meeting 1:1 with their
Peer Navigator.
Zero8Hundred takes a multi-pronged approach to support, understanding that the challenges of the transition phase are multifaceted and interconnected. Zero8Hundred’s Peer Navigators provide support in the following areas:
Peer Navigators assess for risk factors such as homelessness, abuse, and suicidal/homicidal ideation and are prepared to provide crisis intervention if needed. We provide referrals to meet wellness needs including navigating health care benefits and securing care, including counseling and mental health resources.
Through our newsletter, online platforms, community outreach events and day-to-day counseling services, Zero8Hundred provides a range of opportunities for community connection. This includes connections to support groups, personal and professional networking opportunities, self-care and personal development, and military family support services.

"“I appreciate all the work you’ve been doing for me and all the support and resources you’ve provided. You’ve been doing a fantastic job and I want to let you know I’ve been referring a lot of people to zero8hundred!”

“I wish your program was everywhere.”

"I love zero8hundred. You guys provided me piece of mind when I felt like I was going crazy and when I felt like nobody would want to hire me. I have been working since the middle of November. I am full time and absolutely love it."